A Biblical response to Bill Wiese's book

The following information is presented as an evangelical Biblical *response* to the unbiblical position that Mr. Bill Wiese has taken in his book "23 minutes in hell".
If you want accurate theology on this topic do NOT trust Mr. Wiese's book - instead visit one of these theological sites:
www.jewishnotgreek.info (An excellent study on Conditional Immortality).
Also…. www.hellhadesafterlife.com (Shows why Bill Wiese is WRONG about his view of Sheol)
Also….www.rethinkinghell.com (written by evangelicals)
Also http://www.jeremyandchristine.com/articles/eternal.php
Also http://www.afterlife.co.nz
Also.. www.truthaccordingtoscripture.com and click on the “truth about death” link.